Email Marketing

Virtual Events: Timeline and Marketing Considerations

Rome Was Not Built in a Day. Neither are Virtual Events. If you’ve been following along chronologically in this blog series, you’ve read our introduction to virtual events, including an overview of objectives, audience, and technology considerations, and you’ve read through the details we’ve shared on the virtual event location, content types and considerations, communication […]

Virtual Events Details: Sales, ROI & Justifying the Virtual Event

Because we can’t gather in person, embracing and understanding virtual events right now is crucial to your sales strategy and business goals. In the end, we’re all attending and planning virtual events to make up for the inability to sell and develop customer relationships in person, right? Let’s figure out what you’re doing about sales […]

Virtual Events Details: Other Communication Tools

Even though it’s a virtual event, you can still recreate those moments for conversation and networking (even the random ones)! And while everything we’ve discussed in this blog series so far is communication in one way or another, now we’re talking tools that are a little bit more ‘talk show’ and a little less ‘broadcast news.’ ​ Let’s review some […]

Virtual Events Details: Using the Communication Tools

More than just an introduction to virtual events, including an overview of objectives, audience, and technology considerations, our blog series on this timely topic has so far covered details on the virtual event location (hint: a website!) and how best to frame your event content. So, what happens next in the process for planning your […]

Virtual Events Details: Framing the Content

In order to develop and design the structure of your virtual event website, you need to first figure out your content and how to frame it. Going back to the flipped golden rule we mentioned in the second blog of this series, how your audience prefers to consume their content will help you determine the […]

Virtual Events Details: The Event Website

As we mentioned in blogs one and two of this series, virtual events share similarities with live events. When it comes to virtual events, the website is really like the event location. Inside the event, different things are happening, from seminars to breakout sessions and live demonstrations. There may be some self-exploration of content, like […]

Virtual Events: Determining Your Objectives, Audience & Technology

In our first blog in this series, we gave an introduction on virtual events. As we continue our overview, we’re next sharing insight on steps for planning your virtual event, and that starts with understanding your content. Think about what you plan to present: Are you debuting a new product? Showcasing newly added features to […]

Virtual Events: An Introduction

It’s certainly been fascinating from the marketer’s point of view to watch us all pioneer this new avenue of connecting with customers while we wait to be able to visit businesses and gather in large groups again. But we’re also noticing that there’s been a lot of confusion and uncertainty around virtual events, which is why […]

Email Marketing for SMART People (Dummies Need not Apply)

The concept of a learning guide with a pejorative title has never really made sense to us. Instead of dumbing it down, we’d rather help simplify email marketing.

One of the ways we simplify anything is to be specific about what it is we’re trying to do, with measurable and attainable results. It also helps if what we’re trying to do is both […]

5 Things Every Marketer Should Know When Writing Emails

We’ll be expanding on a myriad of email marketing topics as our blog series continues, providing bite-size nuggets for you to chew on as you consider where you can improve your current email marketing strategy. This blog focuses on creating good email content. Crafting compelling content is just one piece to the puzzle, and the […]

The Value of Segmenting Email Lists

Segmentation—it’s a four-syllable word. Often when we start talking about segmentation to new prospects, they look at us like we’re throwing out four-letter words, likely to do with all the misconceptions out there regarding segmenting for email campaigns. Our goal for this article in our SMART email blog series is to help add clarity and […]

A Case For Concise Language in Email Marketing

As I sit in my office chair, pondering the intricacies of the task at hand, I briefly take a moment to watch the way the dust motes move through the late afternoon sunshine peeking through the blinds behind my monitor. The patterns of movement these particles […]